Wednesday, December 30, 2009

one more thing

one more thing i just added some thinspo at the bottom of the page.

disitions disitions ( sorry for the spelling errors)

Right now i am trying to dicide if i should eat or not. if i do i dont know what to eat maybe a salad. i am also going to try to do 30 min walking in place maybe i could start the abc diet. i might post again later on today or maybe tomorrow. post to you later bye.

~ with love jackqueliyne


this morning i weighed myself and i am 117.2 so thats pretty good i want to get to 87. that reminds me i havn't told you my stats:

low weight:107 ( or so i thought)
High weight:122
current weight:117.2
1st goal weight:112.2
2nd goal weight:107.2
3rd goal weight:102.2
4th goal weigh:9 7
5th goal weight:92
6th and finsl gosl weight:87

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sorry i had trouble getting my password, i forgot. i was at 107 or so i thought but the scale was not on a flat surface so i checked again and i was 120. not good
~jackqueliyne with love

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have 4 followers now and sorry i havent had the chance to post i am currently at 121lbs. Almost in the 110's. I am able to fit into some size 4 jeans but it's not enough i always fell like i just want more. More of love and less of me. I am going to try this and you all should to when you get down think of why you're doing this, make a list. heres mine
My parents won't bug me about my weight
My dad could pik me up if i fell asleep downstiars
I could where a bikini i ould fit into a size zero pair of jeans
and most all i am doing this for me and this the most i have ever wanted from myself and i hope u and i can take the journey together to get there.
Jackqueline~ Think thin

Monday, October 12, 2009


Today is the day i start my pro ana blog.

If you want to be my texting buddy we'll exchange numbers.

i am 5 feet 2 inches

and 117 pounds

i was 125 pounds but i lost 8 pounds.

Thinsperation is at the bottem of the page.